Friday, July 26, 2013

Seth WIP

This is a WIP, or work in progress, of my beautiful babu, Seth :3
-Greasy+messy black hair
-pure white skin
-Black eyes
-Carved smile
-Black t-shirt
-White hoodie w/bloodstains
-Red plaid skirt (dirty)
-black+white thigh-highs (covered in blood/dirt)
-Black worn creepers
-Bags under eyes
-Drug addict
-Spontaneous laughter
-Diagnosed with insanity
-Serial killer
-Yandere (If you do not know this term, google is your friend)
-Likes knives, scissors, razors, axes, and other sharp objects

I hope you like her 0u0


  1. Pretty scary character, haha. You clearly have put a lot of thought into this, however, and it's turned out really well, even for a work in progress. This is amazing, you're a great artist.

  2. this is a great character design. I appreciate that you included a character synopsis as well. The character looks much like her description. Nice work.
